How to write a biography paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Batman Essay Example
Batman Essay l. Batman and Joker speak to every others inverse who help adjust and characterize each other through their qualities and convictions, capacities, and activities. II. Qualities and convictions a. Equity versus Foul play a. l. Roots a. l. l. Grievous loss of guardians lead to Batman a. l. l . a. It took the awfulness of losing your folks to get you that life Hush (Dini 13) a. l. l . b. I swear, by the spirits of my folks, to vindicate their demises by spending an amazing remainder warring on all lawbreakers Bruce Wayne (Chill) a. I. 2. Deplorable loss of (pregnant) spouse prompts Joker . . 2. a. Yet, I cannot do anything this evening. Th-theres no explanation any longer Jeannies dead Joker (Moore 23) b. Moral versus Unethical b. l. Batman can't slaughter Coker) b. l. l . Apprehensive that he won't stop b. l. l . a. In the event that I permit myself to go down to that place, Ill never return Batman (Red hood) b. l. 2. Against his ethics b. l. 2. a. your good examples. The convictions t hey imparted in you. Also, consider how the Joker would never comprehend that Gordon (Loeb) b. l. 2. b. you and I have seen too much of disasters and yearned for vengeance. On the off chance that batman needed to be an executioner, he could have begun quite a while in the past Gordon (Loeb) b. ll. Joker takes lives, ambushes, to get results b. ll. l . Jason Todd b. ll. l . a. mioure contemplating when I passed on. How theres blood on your hand since you couldnt arrive so as to prevent The Joker from executing me - Jason Todd (Loeb) b. ll. 2. Barbara b. ll. 2. a. He Shot Barbara. Gave me ph-photos Gordon (Moore 35) b. ll. 3. Ms. Gordon c. Mayhem versus Request C. I. Joker is disorderly; he progresses in the direction of turmoil c. ll. Batman attempts to make request inside Gotham c. . l. Free Gotham of crooks c. ll. 2. Imprison appropriately c. ll. 2. a. Since Im getting this on done right and on the grounds that I dont need to Batman (Moore 43) d. Rational soundness versus Madness d. l. Joker asserts that Batman makes him crazy d. l. l . IVe been driven actually in. rational. attempting to get him to extricate up Joker (Morrison) d. ll. Batman can keep an unmistakable head while under tension d. ll. l . miears, spent retaining the limited ways there are to harmed and break a man. Getting ready for every one of them Batman (Morrison) e. Degenerate versus Incorrupt e. l. We will compose a custom article test on Batman explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Batman explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Batman explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Joker accepts that everybody can be pushed to lunacy e. l. l . That is the means by which far the world is from where I am. Only one terrible day/ - Joker (Moore 36) e. ll. Batman is ethical e. ll. l . let your dedication to Justice temper your fury Phantom Stranger (Chill) Ill. a. Build a. l. As a rule, a match a. l. l . In spite of his slight edge, the Joker demonstrated fantastically deft, with huge perseverance and a high limit for torment. He additionally showed astounding quality for a man his size and really could coordinate Batman blow for blow for brief periods (Greenberger 198) b. Clash of brains b. l. Batman can't genuinely beat Joker, however traps him intellectually b. l. l . a sorted out brain is a trained psyche, and a taught mind is an incredible psyche Batman (Emperor) b. l. 2. b. ll. Jokers schematics sounds good to only him b. ll. l . Typical lawbreakers have sensible intentions. The Jokers crazy plans sound good to only him Batman (Laughing) b. lll. Both need to send message to the individuals b. lll. l . Joker disorder b. lll. 2. Batman Justice c. Imprisonment versus Escapee C. I. Batman can (briefly) curb Joker c. l. Trust me Jim, I wish it were genuine yet somewhere inside, I question it Batman (Laughing) c. ll. Joker has the assets to get away from c. ll. l . Furthermore, you are completely the man who has the blessings to deal with this difficult Black Mask (Batman) d. Magnanimity versus Self-centeredness d. l. Batman needs to secure Gotham City d. l. l . the Batman is positively affecting open soul Commissioner Loeb (Miller 36) d. ll. Joker dis turbs for his own reasons (self delight) d. ll. l. More than once murders Batman for the sake of entertainment d. ll. 2. Shows Harley out window d. ll. 2. a. Just on the off chance that I do it, simpleton Joker (Mad) e. Dread versus Daring e. l. Batmans picture is intended to impart dread e. l. l . He shot at the animal and the projectile went straight through the animal like it wasnt there Detective Flass (Miller 35) e. ll. Joker remains apparently valiant V. Activities a. Planning versus Unusualness a. l. Jokers schematics are capricious a. ll. Batman plans for the unexpected b. Recipient versus Recipients b. l. Batman keeps up partners b. l. l. Robin(s) b. l. 2. Catwoman b. l. 3. Barbara/Oracle b. ll. Joker sells out collaborators b. . l. The Black Glove b. ll. l . a. Im saying farewell dont call me worker - Joker (Morrison) b. ll. 2. Harley Quinn b. ll. 2. a. One of the excruciating realities of parody. You generally make efforts from people who just dont get the Joke - Joker (Mad) V. Joker ought not execute Batman Wltnout Batman, Joker wlll not nave anybody to rise to nlm a. l. No Joke, no punchline a. l. l . One can't appear to exis t without the other (Greenberger 194) a. l. 2. Be that as it may, you have nobody to coordinate brains with. No image of goodness to degenerate. Without Batman, there can be no Joker Batman (Emperor)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Life Cycle of Sperm and Egg Essay
When asked how could I get pregnant? It appears to be a non-serious inquiry. Obviously many would state well you engaged in sexual relations Watson. That is an easy decision, however truth be told that isn't the degree of the appropriate response. How would we become pregnant? What occurs all together for that marvel we call life to be made? The egg creates during the principal period of the Menstrual Cycle. This first stage is known as the Proliferative Phase. This stage starts toward the finish of your feminine cycle and last around 9 to 10 days during the normal 28-day cycle. The ovaries at that point plan for the ovulation inside a stage called the preovulatory stage or the follicular stage. Right now there are low degrees of estrogen and progesterone in the woman’s circulation system. A report by Spencer A. Rathus, Jeffrey S. Nevid, and Lois Fichner-Rathus (2011) clarifies that the nerve center detects a low degree of estrogen in the blood; it at that point builds discharge of Gn-RH, which thus triggers the pituitary organ to discharge a follicle-animating hormone (FSH). Accordingly after this happens the FSH invigorates follicles to develop and afterward continues to make estrogen. In a typical circumstance just a single follicle will arrive at genuine development in the days continuing to ovulation. This at that point prompts development of the graafian follicle. As it develops like any maturing kid that blooms and develop out of their garments, this particular follicle begins to push toward the outside of the ovary and afterward in the long run discharge itself in the wake of cracking. During the cracking procedure this follicle discharges a develop egg. After the egg is discharged the endometrium in the uterus begins to thicken due to the about of estrogen. Organs will inevitably create and these organs will assist with taking care of any incipient organism that may perhaps exist. A slender cervical bodily fluid is invigorated by the estrogen too which will likewise accommodate sustenance for the sperm, expanding the odds of the sperms endurance rate. The second period of the cycle is the ovulatory stage, which includes the procedure in agreement the develop follicle egg being discharged. There is a misinterpretation that the egg is discharged into the fallopian tube when truth be told it is discharged close to the cylinder itself. This stage starts with the estrogen levels top. The third stage f the cycle is known as the postuvulary stage or the secretory stage. Another name for this stage is the Luteal Phase, which gets from the name of the burst follicle (â€Å"Corpus Luteum†). Because of the impact the LH has on the Corpus Luteum the degrees of estrogen are expanding just as the degrees of progesterone. Much the same as in the second stage when you arrive at this stage and the levels top by and by and remembering the egg has stayed in the ovary. Inside a typical 28-day cycle this will in general happen on either the 20 or 21st day. Hormones as of now cause the organs to discharge supplements that will accommodate any prepared ovum that may get embedded in the woman’s uterine divider. Picture an insect and its web and you’ve got the fair of this stage. On the off chance that the egg doesn't embed, at that point the creation of LH and FSH stops. The fourth and last stage happens when the decline of estrogen and progestone levels are done supporting the uterine covering. This cycle is likewise observed as the start and the end on the grounds that the cycle end as well as starts once more. Most ladies would wish the cycle would not rehash itself yet shockingly somebody had a comical inclination when they thought of approaches to make things awkward with a lady at any rate once every week for a couple of days. Much the same as everything else in life when God made man and ladies he made improvement simpler on men. This is the reason I would expect that God must be a male. Despite the fact that the lady has four phases so as to arrive at the advancement of eggs a man’s sperm improvement is somewhat more fundamental and no draining vital. The improvement of the sperm additionally has numerous stages and these stages take as long as 72 days for the testicles to build up a develop sperm. It appears everything must be full grown enough to make any travel in life including eggs and sperm. It’s like sending your children off to school once they have passed all the periods of life and have graduated to the last advance. At the outset the sperm is called spermatocytes which contain 46 chromosomes which obviously would be the well known letters x and y. Every spermatocyte at that point partitions or separations and parts it resources down the middle and when isolated it is then called a spermatid. Every spermatid around then will house 23 chromosomes half will have x and half will have y. When the sperm develops it is then called a spermatozoa, which have a head, a cone-formed midriff, and a tail. Much the same as anything the center that is the waist give the vitality to the swimming force or for the tail to swim to and fro. For preparation to happen 23 chromosomes from the father’s sperm meet a mystery area and â€Å"hook up†(since there was no seeking engaged with) the 23 chromosomes from the mother’s ovum. This obviously would make up the 46. I wonder if this is the thing that they implied when they said it takes two to tango. With all that is going on inside our bodies there is additionally so much that we definitely know, for example, the balls resemble a capacity holder for sperm and house all the little fellas trusting that a raise will start. For a lady it is even more a covered up and look for game. Finding the egg that is joined to our dividers and bolting all entryways standing by to check whether any sperm can pick the lock. We never take the opportunity to see all that we really are and before having the hindrance course start in our bodies it is acceptable to realize what precisely is going on and how these things genuinely happen.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Zoom INTRODUCTIONMartin: Hi, Today we are in San Jose in the Zoom office. Hi Eric, who are you and what do you do?Eric: First of all, thank you for visiting us. I am Eric Yuan. I am the founder and CEO of Zoom video communications. We are building the number one best video conferencing service worldwide. And I think our service offers the best quality, is of use in the video conferencing service. And prior to founding Zoom, I worked for Cisco. I was a corporate Vice President at the Cisco systems. And I came to Cisco as part of the WebEx acquisition and I was actually one of the founding engineers and ultimately became vice president of engineering at WebEx. So I worked on real time collaboration technology for more than 18 years. I have a high confidence to share with you, Zoom as the best video conferencing company.Martin: Once youve been exiting WebEx to Cisco, at what point in time did you say, “Hmm, let me start another company?â€Eric: So thats a good question. First of all, you k now, I live in Silicon Valley, I would call that a Startup Valley. I feel great if I work for a startup companies. So I do not think, Im proud of that if I tell my friends or neighbours that I worked some other big companies, so this is the culture of Silicon Valley. Another reason is before I left to Cisco, I spend a lot of a time to work with many of our customers, we wanted to get more feedbacks.Essentially, the reason why we started Zoom centered around customers and their needs because quite often customers told us was that there is some new promise, the existing solutions can’t help to fix. Like a conference room solution, like a Zoom room, software defined video conferencing solutions and also how to interact with the existing hardware-based conference solutions. And plus, how to make your solution mobile friendly, like share your iPhone and iPad screen. Last but not least, these days, almost every business, SMB or large enterprise, they have all kinds of solutions, like Sk ype, Google Hangout, WebEx, Google Meeting, you name it. Its totally different user experience, how to interact with those solutions, how to build one solution with the best experience, that is very challenging at the same time. Thats why we decided to build a new solution from scratch, to address all those problems.Martin: So how did you then start? Who was in the founding team? How did you meet? How did you start going to the market?Eric: So after I had that idea, I decided to leave and after I left, all those best engineers who have been at WebEx, they knew I left, they all wanted to follow me, so they join in the Zoom. And also we got some seed funding from all the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, some ex WebEx senior executives as well. I think quickly we organized our team, we had enough funding. And I think for the first 2 years we were working very hard, we got the product platform done.At that time we reached the A round and the B round we got great traction over the last 2 ye ars and we already had a more than 140,000 business customers who are using our solutions, it is going great.Martin: Great.BUSINESS MODEL OF ZOOMMartin: Eric, let’s talk about the business model of Zoom. So actually who are your target customers and what type of product solutions with what type of value proposition are you offering to them?Eric: Sure. We target business customers, SMB and large enterprise. Also we target education customers as well as healthcare customers like telemedicine, telehealth.Our business model is we have a freemium model, I would call that a true freemium model, meaning we can give you all the features for free, there are no limitations whatsoever. And when it comes to more than two person for a group video conferencing we also give you all the features for free but for every meeting with limited duration to 40 minutes. This is something new, most customers really like that. I even dont need to pay you, but 40 minutes is good enough.Also, we offer our se rvice not only to offer video conferencing but also offer you web conferencing and also we have additional functionalities across the platform. Plus if your company already deployed the hardware conference rooms solutions we also can interact with that. Plus, there are many conference rooms worldwide. Only less than 5% are enabled with the hardware conference room solutions. We have a conference room solution called Zoom Rooms based on commodity hardware with our software and the customer likes it, really like it. Not only for way you do conferencing but also with support of wireless presentation essencially you can get rid off the projectors as well.Martin: Eric, you have somehow a unique business model, because you said, you provide most of the stuff for free and thereby building of a huge platform. Other video conferencing providers are charging from the first customer and so on. What is the reason of building this kind of platform and how can you monetize on that?Eric: So first of all, we truly believe that Zoom has the best video conference platform. So how to reach out to those customers, this is part of your business model, so we have a true freemium model. Customers, they can go to our website, sign up for a free account, you can use that for free for one to one. You can have up to 50 participant, you can use it for free but at every meeting 40 minutes. But for a lot of customers the 40 minutes is not good enough. And so for some important meeting, the meeting with customers is probably 1 hour, then they need to pay. And when it comes to subscribing to our paid services, it is extremely affordable, just $14.99 per host per month. If you look at other service, it is very expensive, even more expensive, less features, quality wise also not as good as us. That’s why after we launched our solutions we did not do any marketing, purely leveraging the word for mouth. We got tractions, customers referred us to other customers, “Finally, I found a good solu tion that works so well, I really enjoy using Zoomâ€. They spread the word to their friends, their business collegues and so on so forth. That’s why we got traction.Martin: What enables you to produce the value much much cheaper than anybody else?Eric: That’s a good question. First of all, myself and my team, I want to say, we are working on this collaboration technology for more than 18 years. You look at any other company worldwide. At any other company they dont have that expertise. So when we started building up the Zoom technology, from day one, we knew that we should do it differently this time. We knew how to optimize product, optimize architecture, make sure from day one every single thing is fully automated and also make sure we build the technology by ourselves, we do not license some expensive hardware or software. And with that we can build a very optimized model like how to optimize traffic, how to optimize your computer power and so on and so forth, that is why w e can offer great price and at the same time still profit.Martin: And when you developed the product in the first place, did you have some beta customers or a group of potential customers who you involved in the product development process.Eric: I think we are fortunate, after we launched our product through the private beta customers, our first paid customer is Standford University, continuing study department. They found our solution because they were looking for our solution at that time. After they tested our platform, they shared with us: Yes, that’s exactly the platform they were looking for. And even before we launched our product they became our paid customers. After that, we get another customer, another customer, everyday we get a lot of customers and new visitors to our platform.Martin: And how do you acquire the customers is more like though inbound marketing and sales or are you really going out and targeting them?Eric: Well the way it works is like we have visitors to our website by and you sign up for your account. You cannot use Zoom by yourself, this is a collaboration platform. You might be your friends, your customers or partners to use Zoom platform. If this product works well, guess what after the meeting is over, the participant, they would say, Oh this platform is great, where did you find this platform? What is your experience so far?†If you’ve a good experience you might have share it with your other friend and your other friend might sign up for another free account. This word of mouth marketing certainly works very well for us.Also we reach out to those customers who already paid for like 1 account, 2 or 3 accounts. Lets take a company with a special domain like for example, we have a system to track, Oh we have 5 paid accounts from†and we reach out to them, “Hey, how do you like this solution?†and feedback, “What can we do to help you?†We start very healthy conversations with customers and gu ess what, very soon they begin to buy another 10-20 and very soon the whole department might deploy the solution, and then it is in 2 departments. Later on the CIO will standardize on Zoom Platform. That is one way.Another way is, given that we got some traction already, quite often some large enterprise IT director or CIO, they also directly reach out to us, “Hey we want to have a pilot to try your platform.†And normally after the one month trial, I think they are going to standardize on Zoom platform.Martin: What are the major obstacles over the last years that you needed to overcome to and how did manage them?Eric: I think overall, for scaling phase we need to hire a lot of people. Beef up our customer support, sales and marketing, more engineers. When we started with 50 people it is easy to maintain the culture. If you have a more than 200 people, 250 people it is a relatively hard. How to maintain a culture, that is something that we needed to overcome because our culture is to deliver happiness to our users. As we hire more and more people every week have like 5 or 10 people, how to maintain the culture? That is really something I think that we are thinking about everyday.Martin: And what did you do in order to enforce this kind of culture?Eric: I don’t think I don’t have any secret sauce, we just talk about that and all the leaders, all the employees who are here for a long time, we lead based on example. I think every day, in all hands meeting we just share some good stories, try to show the employees what does that mean for delivering happiness to our customers. I just think this is more like a daily routine in work to share with employees what it means to deliver happiness to your customers.Martin: So when somebody is using Zoom, does he need to sign up so you have contact detail?Eric: If you are a host, you definitely need to sign up for a free account or a paid account and to start a Zoom video conference. For Zoom participant, they do not need to do anything. After you sign up to a free account you can send an email link right to your customers or partners. After they get that email invitation, they click that link, everything will be automatically set up and they can join the Zoom video call.Martin: Okay, great!ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS FROM ERIC YUAN In San Jose (CA), we meet Founder CEO of Zoom, Eric Yuan. Eric talks about his story how he came up with the idea and founded Zoom, how the current business model works, as well as he provides some advice for young entrepreneurs.INTRODUCTIONMartin: Hi, Today we are in San Jose in the Zoom office. Hi Eric, who are you and what do you do?Eric: First of all, thank you for visiting us. I am Eric Yuan. I am the founder and CEO of Zoom video communications. We are building the number one best video conferencing service worldwide. And I think our service offers the best quality, is of use in the video conferencing service. And prior to founding Zoom, I worked for Cisco. I was a corporate Vice President at the Cisco systems. And I came to Cisco as part of the WebEx acquisition and I was actually one of the founding engineers and ultimately became vice president of engineering at WebEx. So I worked on real time collaboration technology for more than 18 years. I have a high confidence to shar e with you, Zoom as the best video conferencing company.Martin: Once youve been exiting WebEx to Cisco, at what point in time did you say, “Hmm, let me start another company?â€Eric: So thats a good question. First of all, you know, I live in Silicon Valley, I would call that a Startup Valley. I feel great if I work for a startup companies. So I do not think, Im proud of that if I tell my friends or neighbours that I worked some other big companies, so this is the culture of Silicon Valley. Another reason is before I left to Cisco, I spend a lot of a time to work with many of our customers, we wanted to get more feedbacks.Essentially, the reason why we started Zoom centered around customers and their needs because quite often customers told us was that there is some new promise, the existing solutions can’t help to fix. Like a conference room solution, like a Zoom room, software defined video conferencing solutions and also how to interact with the existing hardware-based confer ence solutions. And plus, how to make your solution mobile friendly, like share your iPhone and iPad screen. Last but not least, these days, almost every business, SMB or large enterprise, they have all kinds of solutions, like Skype, Google Hangout, WebEx, Google Meeting, you name it. Its totally different user experience, how to interact with those solutions, how to build one solution with the best experience, that is very challenging at the same time. Thats why we decided to build a new solution from scratch, to address all those problems.Martin: So how did you then start? Who was in the founding team? How did you meet? How did you start going to the market?Eric: So after I had that idea, I decided to leave and after I left, all those best engineers who have been at WebEx, they knew I left, they all wanted to follow me, so they join in the Zoom. And also we got some seed funding from all the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, some ex WebEx senior executives as well. I think quickly we organized our team, we had enough funding. And I think for the first 2 years we were working very hard, we got the product platform done.At that time we reached the A round and the B round we got great traction over the last 2 years and we already had a more than 140,000 business customers who are using our solutions, it is going great.Martin: Great.BUSINESS MODEL OF ZOOMMartin: Eric, let’s talk about the business model of Zoom. So actually who are your target customers and what type of product solutions with what type of value proposition are you offering to them?Eric: Sure. We target business customers, SMB and large enterprise. Also we target education customers as well as healthcare customers like telemedicine, telehealth.Our business model is we have a freemium model, I would call that a true freemium model, meaning we can give you all the features for free, there are no limitations whatsoever. And when it comes to more than two person for a group video conferencing we also give you all the features for free but for every meeting with limited duration to 40 minutes. This is something new, most customers really like that. I even dont need to pay you, but 40 minutes is good enough.Also, we offer our service not only to offer video conferencing but also offer you web conferencing and also we have additional functionalities across the platform. Plus if your company already deployed the hardware conference rooms solutions we also can interact with that. Plus, there are many conference rooms worldwide. Only less than 5% are enabled with the hardware conference room solutions. We have a conference room solution called Zoom Rooms based on commodity hardware with our software and the customer likes it, really like it. Not only for way you do conferencing but also with support of wireless presentation essencially you can get rid off the projectors as well.Martin: Eric, you have somehow a unique business model, because you said, you provide most of the stuff for free and thereby building of a huge platform. Other video conferencing providers are charging from the first customer and so on. What is the reason of building this kind of platform and how can you monetize on that?Eric: So first of all, we truly believe that Zoom has the best video conference platform. So how to reach out to those customers, this is part of your business model, so we have a true freemium model. Customers, they can go to our website, sign up for a free account, you can use that for free for one to one. You can have up to 50 participant, you can use it for free but at every meeting 40 minutes. But for a lot of customers the 40 minutes is not good enough. And so for some important meeting, the meeting with customers is probably 1 hour, then they need to pay. And when it comes to subscribing to our paid services, it is extremely affordable, just $14.99 per host per month. If you look at other service, it is very expensive, even more expensive, less features, quality wi se also not as good as us. That’s why after we launched our solutions we did not do any marketing, purely leveraging the word for mouth. We got tractions, customers referred us to other customers, “Finally, I found a good solution that works so well, I really enjoy using Zoomâ€. They spread the word to their friends, their business collegues and so on so forth. That’s why we got traction.Martin: What enables you to produce the value much much cheaper than anybody else?Eric: That’s a good question. First of all, myself and my team, I want to say, we are working on this collaboration technology for more than 18 years. You look at any other company worldwide. At any other company they dont have that expertise. So when we started building up the Zoom technology, from day one, we knew that we should do it differently this time. We knew how to optimize product, optimize architecture, make sure from day one every single thing is fully automated and also make sure we build the tech nology by ourselves, we do not license some expensive hardware or software. And with that we can build a very optimized model like how to optimize traffic, how to optimize your computer power and so on and so forth, that is why we can offer great price and at the same time still profit.Martin: And when you developed the product in the first place, did you have some beta customers or a group of potential customers who you involved in the product development process.Eric: I think we are fortunate, after we launched our product through the private beta customers, our first paid customer is Standford University, continuing study department. They found our solution because they were looking for our solution at that time. After they tested our platform, they shared with us: Yes, that’s exactly the platform they were looking for. And even before we launched our product they became our paid customers. After that, we get another customer, another customer, everyday we get a lot of custome rs and new visitors to our platform.Martin: And how do you acquire the customers is more like though inbound marketing and sales or are you really going out and targeting them?Eric: Well the way it works is like we have visitors to our website by and you sign up for your account. You cannot use Zoom by yourself, this is a collaboration platform. You might be your friends, your customers or partners to use Zoom platform. If this product works well, guess what after the meeting is over, the participant, they would say, Oh this platform is great, where did you find this platform? What is your experience so far?†If you’ve a good experience you might have share it with your other friend and your other friend might sign up for another free account. This word of mouth marketing certainly works very well for us.Also we reach out to those customers who already paid for like 1 account, 2 or 3 accounts. Lets take a company with a special domain like for example, we have a sys tem to track, Oh we have 5 paid accounts from†and we reach out to them, “Hey, how do you like this solution?†and feedback, “What can we do to help you?†We start very healthy conversations with customers and guess what, very soon they begin to buy another 10-20 and very soon the whole department might deploy the solution, and then it is in 2 departments. Later on the CIO will standardize on Zoom Platform. That is one way.Another way is, given that we got some traction already, quite often some large enterprise IT director or CIO, they also directly reach out to us, “Hey we want to have a pilot to try your platform.†And normally after the one month trial, I think they are going to standardize on Zoom platform.Martin: What are the major obstacles over the last years that you needed to overcome to and how did manage them?Eric: I think overall, for scaling phase we need to hire a lot of people. Beef up our customer support, sales and marketing, more engineers. W hen we started with 50 people it is easy to maintain the culture. If you have a more than 200 people, 250 people it is a relatively hard. How to maintain a culture, that is something that we needed to overcome because our culture is to deliver happiness to our users. As we hire more and more people every week have like 5 or 10 people, how to maintain the culture? That is really something I think that we are thinking about everyday.Martin: And what did you do in order to enforce this kind of culture?Eric: I don’t think I don’t have any secret sauce, we just talk about that and all the leaders, all the employees who are here for a long time, we lead based on example. I think every day, in all hands meeting we just share some good stories, try to show the employees what does that mean for delivering happiness to our customers. I just think this is more like a daily routine in work to share with employees what it means to deliver happiness to your customers.Martin: So when somebody is using Zoom, does he need to sign up so you have contact detail?Eric: If you are a host, you definitely need to sign up for a free account or a paid account and to start a Zoom video conference. For Zoom participant, they do not need to do anything. After you sign up to a free account you can send an email link right to your customers or partners. After they get that email invitation, they click that link, everything will be automatically set up and they can join the Zoom video call.Martin: Okay, great!ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS FROM ERIC YUANMartin: Eric, let’s talk about your startup advice in the major learnings over the years. So imagine somebody young comes to you and says, “I would like to start a companyâ€. What type of advice can you provide him?Eric: If any young entrepreneur want to start up a company, my answer is always, “Yes, please do it. This is best timeâ€. Ultimately, I think the start up companies, they are driving economy, driving this society forward. And the one lesson I learned over the past 18 years especially after I came to Silicon Valley I would say, the courage. You have to get the courage to try even if you might have failed, that’s ok try again. If you failed try again and if you are patient, working hard, keep trying, someday you will be successful.Martin: What other advice can you share, with for example running a company?Eric: To run a company is more like to play sports. Number one thing is you want to win, that’s really important. Number two you have got to work hard, organize the best team, work hard every day, deliver happiness to your customers and also have fun and then you will be successful.Martin: Eric thank you so much for sharing your insight. It was a pleasureEric: Thanks you.Martin: And if you want to communicate with your customers and you’re looking for a cheap affordable and really awesome solution check out things and thank you.Eric: Thanks you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Gandhi On Western Civilization Gandhi s Response
Gandhi on Western Civilization Since 1920 Mohandas Gandhi had been at work in India and since then had trail blazed anticolonial conceptions and logistics that reflected over the whole world. Mohandas Gandhi was confronted with settlements of supremacy he became the crusader for non-violent protests. Mohandas Gandhi believed in swaraj, which is the self-government or independence of India. Mohandas Gandhi aspired for his country to transform into a self-rule for citizens to enhance their own assets and to extract from the royal financial system. There were ways for Indian citizens to remove themselves from the sovereign economy by industrial action such as strikes, withhold from paying taxes, or abstain from foreign goods like fabric or cloth, and be clothed in simple, basic material. When a journalist wanted to know the opinion of Mohandas Gandhi on Western Civilization, Mohandas Gandhi replied, â€Å"I think it would be a very good idea,†I concur with Mohandas Gandhi†™s response. Mohandas Gandhi was a very intelligent man he distinguished the variations with Western Civilization and Eastern Civilization. He saw the destruction in Western Civilization territories were at war with each other over terrains, liberty, and self-government. Mohandas Gandhi considered Western Civilization to be destructive, centrifugal, innately unruly, and had no aspirations. In Eastern Civilization was regarded as productive, centripetal, have intention and purpose. I see how Mohandas GandhiShow MoreRelatedMahatma Gandhi Essay1455 Words  | 6 PagesIn the western world the word truth connotes something static and immutable. We see truth as something, that once possessed, will always be valid. But there is a tendency in Eastern philosophy to see truth as something illusive, as something that can only be approximated by a lifetime of philosophical experimentation. The man known as Mohandas Gandhi was this spirit of truth incarnate. But care must be taken not to de ify Gandhi, his life was a ceaseless struggle towards deeper understanding, andRead MoreAnalysis Of Hind Swaraj And Indian Home Rule 4090 Words  | 17 PagesPOLITICAL SCIENCE - III IN REFERENCE WITH- INDIAN HOME RULE - M.K. GANDHI SUBMITTED BY VANSHAJ MEHTA ROLL NO. - 13BAL087 SEMESTER III ABSTRACT This is the chapter vise response to M.K. Gandhi s book, HIND SWARAJ or THE INDIAN HOME RULE. Mohandas Gandhi composed this book in his local dialect, Gujarati, while flying out from London to South Africa installed S.S. Kildonan Mansion between November 13 and November 22, 1909. In the book Gandhi gives a judgment for the issues of humankind in current timesRead MoreNationalist Movements of the Middle East and South Asia after WW11065 Words  | 5 PagesWorld War One brought about vast changes to many parts of the world. Places like South Asia and the Middle East were able to see the need for self government away from foreign control. 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The cattle appear to browse unhindered through urban markets eating an orange here, a mango there, competing with people for meager supplies of food. By Western standards, spiritual values seem more important to Indians than life itself. Specialists in food habits around the world l ike Fred Simoons at the University of California at Davis consider Hinduism an irrational ideology that compels people to overlook
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How Can Storytelling Improve Communication Skills in a 4...
CHAPTER ONE Introduction This research was carried out in an Early Childhood Care and Education Centre located in an urban community. It is based on a four year old child whose name is Sarah Lall (not real name). She is very loving and helpful but interaction with her peers is limited since she does not speak in clear sentences. Her words do not take the form of complete sentences and sometimes puzzles the teachers and her peers as to what she is trying to say. Based on face to face interviews with her mother it was clear that she is not given much opportunity to communicate at home which as a result her vocabulary is limited. Many young children lack vital experiences in background knowledge that develop vocabulary and other†¦show more content†¦2. How can storytelling improve social interaction in four year olds? Summary In summary this chapter dealt with the background of the child and the purpose of the study. It gave a description of various strategies used through storytelling to improve the communication skills in a four year old child. In chapter two the researcher will explore the literature that surrounds the research study based on the effects of storytelling to improve communication skills in four year olds. CHAPTER TWO Literature Review The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which storytelling can improve the communication skills of a four year old child in an early childhood centre. Critical to this examination there would be two main factors contributing to the research. These are storytelling to improve communication skills and developing communication skills. It would demonstrate a clearer understand of the value of intervention at an early age and the effect it has on the child reaching his/her fullest potential. Nelson (2003) explains: â€Å"Infants and toddlers use story to explain and create meaning because that’s what parents and their culture do. Storytelling impacts the development of communication skills that are critical to a child’s success at school. It encourages children to listen actively and analytically, improves verbal skills, increases the child’s taught and boosts their understanding skills.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unhappy Cows †Short Essay Free Essays
The California dairy Industry would like us, the consumers, to believe that their dairy cows In some mysterious way are â€Å"happy cows†. They literally use this term, thus insinuating that for some reason or another, milk from California is better. Or, perhaps they are trying to convince us that cows in other states are too â€Å"sad†to produce quality milk. We will write a custom essay sample on Unhappy Cows – Short Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, I say this campaign is nothing but a big pile of manure. Pun intended. I have found no research supporting the claim that California cows are â€Å"happy sows†. At least, no happier than normal. In fact, Californians practices are quite the same If not Identical to any other states. It Is very sad that they use a campaign of hope and happiness when in all reality their dairy cows are mistreated just like the rest. Dairy cows endure annual cycles of artificial insemination, mechanized milking for 10 months out of each year, which includes 7 months out of the 9 months a cow may be pregnant. Cows both In California and around the nation are given hormones so hat they might produce more milk. This active and rigorous cycle overburdens the cows, thus only making them useful as dairy cows for two years. These particular cows are usually slaughtered at four years old. Dairy cows are expected to produce one calf per year per cow according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture fact sheet. Just imagine what kind of strain this must be on the animal! This would be comparative to a human running or jogging 6 hours a day, every day for a year while pregnant! Does that sound Like a happy cow to oh? Most female dairy calves are eventually put onto the milking line while most of the male calves are found to be useless and are often sold into the veal industry. Yes folks, even the calves from the â€Å"happy’ California cows are sold to these kinds of industries. Hundreds of thousands of little baby calves are shoved into cages so small they can’t so much as turn around until they are roughly 12 to 14 months old and then they are slaughtered for their meat; the meat that has gone tender after so many months of little to no activity. California is essentially capitalizing on American citizens ignorance of what is happening right in front of them. If people of this country would bother to read the facts, I doubt they would be supporting this ridiculous â€Å"happy cow’ business. Perhaps Californians campaign should be a bit more realistic, such as the way we treat our cows will make your milk curdle’. â€Å"Farm Bill : Laws and Regulations : National Agricultural Library. †Information Centers : National Agricultural Library. US Department of Agriculture. Web. 10 Novo. 2011. How to cite Unhappy Cows – Short Essay, Essays
Unhappy Cows †Short Essay Free Essays
The California dairy Industry would like us, the consumers, to believe that their dairy cows In some mysterious way are â€Å"happy cows†. They literally use this term, thus insinuating that for some reason or another, milk from California is better. Or, perhaps they are trying to convince us that cows in other states are too â€Å"sad†to produce quality milk. We will write a custom essay sample on Unhappy Cows – Short Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, I say this campaign is nothing but a big pile of manure. Pun intended. I have found no research supporting the claim that California cows are â€Å"happy sows†. At least, no happier than normal. In fact, Californians practices are quite the same If not Identical to any other states. It Is very sad that they use a campaign of hope and happiness when in all reality their dairy cows are mistreated just like the rest. Dairy cows endure annual cycles of artificial insemination, mechanized milking for 10 months out of each year, which includes 7 months out of the 9 months a cow may be pregnant. Cows both In California and around the nation are given hormones so hat they might produce more milk. This active and rigorous cycle overburdens the cows, thus only making them useful as dairy cows for two years. These particular cows are usually slaughtered at four years old. Dairy cows are expected to produce one calf per year per cow according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture fact sheet. Just imagine what kind of strain this must be on the animal! This would be comparative to a human running or jogging 6 hours a day, every day for a year while pregnant! Does that sound Like a happy cow to oh? Most female dairy calves are eventually put onto the milking line while most of the male calves are found to be useless and are often sold into the veal industry. Yes folks, even the calves from the â€Å"happy’ California cows are sold to these kinds of industries. Hundreds of thousands of little baby calves are shoved into cages so small they can’t so much as turn around until they are roughly 12 to 14 months old and then they are slaughtered for their meat; the meat that has gone tender after so many months of little to no activity. California is essentially capitalizing on American citizens ignorance of what is happening right in front of them. If people of this country would bother to read the facts, I doubt they would be supporting this ridiculous â€Å"happy cow’ business. Perhaps Californians campaign should be a bit more realistic, such as the way we treat our cows will make your milk curdle’. â€Å"Farm Bill : Laws and Regulations : National Agricultural Library. †Information Centers : National Agricultural Library. US Department of Agriculture. Web. 10 Novo. 2011. How to cite Unhappy Cows – Short Essay, Essays
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